Thursday, September 29, 2011

Best Thrift of My Life

the summer after sophomore year i was out at goodwill with my friend. i was looking through the dresses and pulled out the most amazing dress of the 1980s. it was sleek, elegant, eye catching and had vintage flair. the best part was it was $4.99!!! i knew i had to buy it and wear it for banquet the next year.( i ended up wearing it to some guys prom i went to) it had some damage and needed to be hemmed so with drycleaning and all the dress ended up costing me $25, THAT'S STILL LESS THAN WHAT MOST GIRLS PAY FOR A MANICURE. this was the best thrift of my life.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hold the Ice Save the Cash

the glass on the left represents a standard soft drink with ice and the cup on the right represents when ordered with no ice
when ever i drive through somewhere and order a soft drink i tell them "no ice". what is the point of ice when the soda comes out cold anyways? to fill up space and give you less drink. my mom has shared this tidbit with me and now i never get ice, it does not save you money particularly but it gives more bang for your buck. with out the ice you get noticeably more soda.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thrifty Not Cheap

Hello there,
my name is Melody Jane Holden. i do not believe in spending extra money when i don't need to, but don't get me wrong, i LOVE shopping. i love finding deals and looking cute without spending too much. i also like making things out of old items. but most importantly i pride my self in being an expert thrift-er, (as in shopping at thrift stores) i love finding old and vintage cloths and making them stylish again. so in this blog i will give out tips on being "thrifty", by saving on little things. i will show you my thrift-ed finds, thrifty crafts, and general tips on looking good with out spending your life savings. i am not cheap, but thrifty.