Thursday, October 27, 2011

Spirit week day 4. grunge.

the last day of costumes for spirit week was thursday, (friday was just school spirit wear) and it was 90s day! ah the decade i was born in! i used to loath the 90s fashion but it has grown on me. i went with the grunge look (plus the backstreet boys ;) ). i did not have to specificaly buy anything for this costume but i can tell you how much everything was!
shoes: $7 rite aid
socks: free from my mothers collection of socks she wore back in the day
tights: $4 forever 21
shorts: $2.75 simi thrift
backstreet boys shirt: free from my sister (originaly $.99 from the 99 cent store)
flannel: free lost and found ;)
all together this whole outfit costs $14.74!

thats almost half the price of one school uniform polo...

Spirit week day 3. punk.

The third day of spirit week was 80s day. i hold the 80s very near and dear to my heart. the look i went for was cyndi lauper inspired punk look. and actually i already owned everything previous to the costume thus i spent nothing on it! how about that for thrifty costume making?!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Spirit week day 2. Hippies.

 the second day of spirit week was 60s/70s day. so naturally i dressed like a hippie. the hippie costume was simple and cheap. the only thing i had to actually purchase was the long skirt from goodwill for about $2 or $3. i used a piece of lace i had for the band and the flowing shirt i got from a thrift store many years ago. and the moccasins were previously purchased at rite-aid for $12. all i had to py for the costume was about $3, but if i added up the cost of the stuff i already had it would still be under $30. THRIFTY FOR PEACE.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Spirit week day 1. Beatniks.

the beatniks were the group of hip kids of the 50s. they were counter culture. while everyone else was wearing their poodle skirts and bubblegum pop, the beatniks wore black and listened to jazz. this costume was easy to pull off, the stable beatnik style was black, turtle necks, tight pants, and berets. i already had the beret and tight pants, the only item i had to buy was the turtleneck. i got the turtle neck for around $3. i only needed to spend $3 on this costume because i used items i already owned.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Spirit week, music through the decades? no. fashion through the decades.

i have been having a lot of fun with this years homecoming theme because it means i get to brush up my knowledge on fashion history. i love fashion history and this week has been great. so far we have had 50s 60s and 70s and 80s day. the best part of this week is showing off my thrifting talents, naturally with a historical week of fashion almost all of my outfits have come from my favorite places ;).

Saturday, October 8, 2011

looks for less

In the magazines, fashion or gossip, they always have pictures of celebrities and how to look like them without spending too much money. getting the same outfit for less. this was always my favorite section. but even with their "deals" it was always over priced and i would always think to my self, "i could get that out fit for a third of that!" so i think i am going to start trying to put together " looks for less than looks for less".

also here is something i found interesting

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs. Rags to Riches.

As it has been so widely known, we lost Steve Jobs last Wednesday, October 5th. In the 2005 stanford commencements speech jobs talked about how he had to save every penny when he dropped out of college to find his passion, "It wasn't all romantic. I didn't have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends' rooms, I returned coke bottles for the 5¢ deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it." he came from humble beginnings, but with hard work and frugality he became one of the richest men in the world. he was the ultimate thrifty.

Rest In Peace, thank you for the inspiration

For the full speech;